Enrolment Information

New to Enrolling Children in a Government School

For parents and guardians considering enrolling their child in a government school, we highly recommend visiting the following link. It provides valuable information on the requirements and helps you find the right school for your child. The process is broken down into several helpful steps:
1. Choose your school
2. Enrol your child
3. Pay costs
4. Plan and prepare
5. Start school
6. Attend school
This comprehensive guide will assist you in every step of the enrolment process, ensuring a smooth transition for both you and your child. We look forward to welcoming your child to our school community!


Level 1 Accredited School

Studying  in Victoria

Victorian government schools are a destination of choice for international students with a high-quality education, excellent English language tution and caring welfare support services. To learn more about studying and living in Victoria as an international student, see: www.study.vic.gov.au

How to Apply

Most international student must apply to the Department of Education in order to student in a Victorian government school.

Contact our School

For more information about international students, please contact the below staff member:

International Student Coordinator (ISC)

Inquire with School

(03) 9218 6200


Aintree Primary School is accredited under the Department of Education's CRICOS registration (CRISCOS provider name and code: Department of Education, 00861K). For more information see: www.study.vic.gov.au